`SLiceS of deaTh`

Friday, February 04, 2005

in sequel to "A Thought Just Hit Me After I Sent Out An Email"

life is strange...........
strange enuff to not understand ur REAL situation........
and thinking into other more stuff.......
which saddens one's heart..........

sometimes its jus a moment of HARSHNESSSS or SADNNNESSS

tryin to find back the 'feelin' , its hard.....

we can onli keep on refreshing our memories.........

though the other party mite haf oreadi
.....................forgotten about me................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wang Bu Liao Wang Bu Liao~ Wang Bu Liao Ni Di ermm what huh ? whahhaa okie that's my thoughts to you at least okoke! wheeeeeeeeeee muz be *touched* i know :)

Mrs Gackt

4:16 PM  

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