`SLiceS of deaTh`: the PAIN

Thursday, November 11, 2004

the PAIN

there are so many things i do not know....
and i do not want to experience them all...really...

i used to think about this sentence,"it could haf been worse"

but how worse can it get??

somehow this disease arouse my interest for days...and i decided to check it out over the Internet.
the name is called lupus...

before any "real" information gets into my mind..i thought it was jus some rashes...or sensitive skin...

after checkin it up..its not as simple as i think...

jus alone browsing the website sorrows my heart..it cries for the patients...
with the words and descriptions and stuff...my imagination went wild again....

it feels PAIN...HUMILIATE...unfairness....

maybe its jus one of the many many other painful diseases...(i noe all diseases are painful and unbearable)
and i wonder how i can do my best to help ALL...

think abt it..i suppose i cant even help myself..let alone the others......
if only i am a doctor...i get to help decrease the pain of a category of patients...(it matters alot)

jus like the story of star fish...(taught by my fren)

haiz....if only my death could stop all illness......

i wish i wish..................................................................................

**pple interested to noe more abt the disease i am tokin abt..pls check it up on ur own..its more fulfilling...


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