`SLiceS of deaTh`: August 2004

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

she actuali changes outside the fitting room...

a china cha bo wif big boobs...

ugly ugly ugly ugly

Saturday, August 28, 2004

or rather...

sociology + psychology + working life + the working of brains = "theorical" statements..

insight with woman(my own species) is getting more and more defined...

woman are born ugly, disgusting, nosey parker, CRUDE....they are the mutate version of the present living thing called MAN....

**to undergo or cause to undergo mutation

they are worse than mammals..man...they are the incredible creatures living happily in this dimension...(ME TOO)

eeeeks! PUI

sociology is good...

this is something which i like it very much..but not sure if my perception of this subject is correct onot...

but something true is..i learn to understand pple more..and my fear of human beings haf greatly subsided..

**i'm not saying im showing off or something else...(see perceptions set in)

people reli like to follow trend...low waist..boot cut...colored hair...

or rather kawaii style..nihon pattern..mature looking..

all this are perhaps some of the concepts to study..

haf u noticed the pple ard u are constantly on the move to change..even if it does not reli show out??or rather is showing it all out but claiming that they are not reali changing but jus on the move?? so they are now in for the "TREND"....and some might find it..YUCKS!! stop pretending to be somebody else..take a look at the mirror pls...

but one thing for sure..we haf no right to laugh at others..becos we are all human beings and all are born the same way ... NAKED...

we are born naked..

this perhaps means tat onli we haf the right to dress our selves in our prefered and most comfortable way...( nobody is to laugh at one and other**in a serious tone)

this applies to the mask we wear almost everyday too...

i hate pple when they criticised others ( in bad or good ways)

or rather i hate my self too..cos im a human too...and im bias..subjectivity sets in..opsss..im into it again..


Friday, August 27, 2004

something to really add on

something to add on..

perceptions about other people other than ur very own self:
u tend to always remember the very first few thingy u haf with the other people..
example: the mistakes one makes, the few sentences when both spoke, the incidents or flashes that u haf on the other people, aura, hair style, dress sense, behaviour and habits...

no matter how BIG the change is..one stil rember the very old things that happen long ago..or even if the perception is already wrong at the very first place....

ok a simple test now..try to rember some of ur frens' face...and i mean the present face..not 10 yrs ago or the first incident u met up wif ur frensss...

i wonder if this is really the reason that leads to the begining of SOCIOLOGY or PSYCOLOGY..becos we nv reali understand or even grab hold the gist of the whole enigma...

**how different does one look at one matter as compare wif the others??

but we cant reli understand or study it fully..so this means that there will nv be rite or wrong in this world..or as long as brains are working...so this means that all come from one...and one come from all...

its so scary that we cant see our own mistakes and yet pin point at others' mistakes and still loves ourselves so much..is this rite or wrong?? (even though we always claim that we are this bad tat bad..there's still an ego within..)

as i say..the world is an enigma..love it..think it..or we lose it and this means...the end of the journey here...time to move on..

think on the 'right' side...or perhaps..the 'left' side..

Monday, August 23, 2004


caused by the outer layer of the surroundings or the surrounding itself? fearful stuff to exist in this world..is the world a trend itself?? as Mars,Mercury(me),Jupitar,Pluto,Saturn,other planets starting to merge and being identified?? is there such thingy as the world ?? are we all living in the same dimension as all??or is the world being created for ur very own consumption that it doesnt even exist but a picture in reality??

Sunday, August 22, 2004

haiz..women are scary....their powerful hands/arms...they love to touch dig feel..they love to nag talk and argue...

Friday, August 20, 2004

commercial time...

bitch and bitches...went shopping and they dig and dig and dig.............................

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Cathyeth came to a small village where she saw many of her own...despite her shy nature..she went up to them and greeted'hi halo'.....

getting a little warm up...1..2...3...4...5..6..7......many many ants made frens wif her.....

they put her in a small hole wif 5 other ants missyss...and they became hole mates...

deep in her heart..she knw she does not belong to tat world of life..still she has to adapt..she belief things will flow correctly and positively to her direction..her new way of life...jus like the nature of atoms...they jus form and break..

Cathyeth is looking for her direction..she headed nowhere....

adopt your own virtual pet!